That’s me, just like ‘Our Man in Paris,’ except i’m a girl who goes to 11 reporting from deep cover inside music, and doing so with oodles of my trademark moxie.
i work in live-music in beverly hills at one of the top 4 talent & lit agencies, where i constantly pinch myself to make sure i’m not just dreaming this life up. my bossman is the big kahuna and the music dept’s ‘father knows best’ if father actually had known best on that sitcom. he (bossman) made the ‘comeback’ a viable possibility back in 1994, instead of an industry punchline, which is what it was until then. to top it off, he has scads of integrity, and heaps of scruples, scads and heaps i tell ya. yes, i literally have the most awesome job in the world. uberlucky, and i know it.
what else? i go to concerts & leave voicemails of a song for the people who should be there too, but aren’t; i positively cannot stop myself from dancing at these concerts no matter how hard i try (not that i do); i am the best go-to Nancy Drew / girl-detective you will ever meet who isn’t named Veronica Mars, and i write this secret-ish blog, ‘music + moxie’. i also sing in the car and in the shower, dance in the car, scream “i wanna have your babies” in the first space of quiet once at every show, and always try to thank the bands (and crew) who deliver an awesome show, no matter how big or small (not by having their babies, that part was a joke). i go to hockey games whenever possible, which is quite often, where i shout ‘punch him in the face!’ instead of the ‘knock me up’ line. don’t even joke about mating with hockey players. no one needs to see neanderthal ‘O-face’ (shudder). ever.
Life is dolce indeed, e piu bella.