Whoa … REALLY? 25 years? That’s kinda crazy. Well, the touring fest turned 3 day location fest turned multi-region, 4-day SPECTACULAR is really all grown up now. It really made something of itself, don’t you think? And hey, Lolla founder Perry Farrell still has the band back together so Jane’s Addiction (shoes? is it shoes? carbs? men in sarongs??? please tell me! wait – is it the same thing Victoria’s keeping secret?) can totally rock Jane Says and Your Very Own Girl in Music can drool over Dave Navarro like it’s 1993 and she just found out what, um, good bass feels, er sounds like… or something.
This lineup though. Best I’ve seen for Summer 2016 yet. Obviously, I have to go, cause I forgot to ask Haim who their favorite Corey heart-throb was from the 1980’s, the last time I interviewed them, and you, dear friends, deserve to have this matter put to bed once and for all, finally. I think I can get the betrothed to join me and I’ll call it his birthday present and we will have 4 days of music and, well, moxie in the Windy City. I see some tasty deep dish in our future.
If you didn’t snap up your 4 day GA passes already, you should snag single-day tickets NAO because this is gonna sell out FAST and you don’t want to be the only person you know without the t-shirt – that’s decidedly so UN-fetch.